Building on the legacy of the Tuskegee Airmen, Tuskegee NEXT provides a clear path to aviation careers for under-represented youth.
Building on the legacy of the Tuskegee Airmen, Tuskegee NEXT provides a clear path to aviation careers for under-represented youth.
Changed lives, transformed communities, and the future of the airline industry
Changed lives, transformed communities, and the future of the airline industry
According to a recent Brookings Institute study, the majority of economically disadvantaged racial minorities will remain so and a large plurality of middle class African-Americans will see their economic prospects decline over their lifetimes. We change that.
At a time when racial tensions are high, and so many disadvantaged teenagers see no hope for their futures, Tuskegee Next is putting them in the air—on the path to freedom and success. Meet these remarkable young men and women.
It is hard to put into words what success feels like, when success is the exhilaration of flying. It is our privilege to watch hope take flight, and there is nothing like it. Watch videos, browse photo galleries, and connect with us on social media!